- 1º Bachillerato
- 6 hours English a week (3 hours as a second language, 3 hours as a first language)
- 20-30 per class.
- CEF level B2 minimum, C2 maximum.
Tri-lingual secondary school following blended Spanish curriculum plus IGCSEs (UK International Exam with teaching and examination in English) at 15 years and PAU/Selectividad at 17 years.
- Computer & Projector in class
- Computer room available once every two weeks approx.
- All students have computers and internet access at home
This is a collaborative task between two schools: the BCN school and a UK school (chosen because of personal contacts, location, interest of department staff, development of the school IT platforms and online presence, etc , etc); no links included until project is approved by school management – sorry!
- The BCN school has an exchange programme for Primary and 1º and 2º ESO, but nothing for Bachillerato.
- The UK school visits BCN and their Spanish department is active in promoting cultural exchange but has no contact school in BCN… yet!
Jointly create a web site which helps UK and BCN secondary school students organize individual or group exchanges during term or holiday time.
Students at the two schools divide up responsibilities into teams consisting of 3 BCN and 3 UK students.
The different areas of responsibility – and of the web site – will probably be something like:
- Why an exchange? (= introductory page including personal comments from experience, etc)
- Where should I go? (= typical tourist attraction information + more personal and quirky recommendations)
- What can I do? (= info on what teens in the area get up to in their free time or at school, from questionnaires, personal accounts, etc)
- What are the people like? And what do they like? (= info on different sub-groups, on festivals, on culturally specific behaviour, norms and taboos)
- What about communication? (= info on slang, idioms, sayings, phrases, dialect, accent and body language and non-verbal language)
- Will Mum and Dad mind? (= info on host families, communication, rules and regulations at the schools, crime and safety, transport to and from, costs, etc)
- What next? (= serious info on how to use your experience, get summer jobs or part-time work in the area, and possibly how to get the love of your life and settle down and other tongue-in-cheek suggestions)
- Who’s taking part in this? (= the questionnaires and profiles which prospective participants have to fill in – and the criteria that they have to meet)
There will be a common minimum required for each area of responsibility, for example:
- 3 texts
- A newly-created video
- An encrusted video
- 10 links to webs / blogs, etc
- ‘Take a survey’ and feedback of results OR a full questionnaire
- FAQs / online help
- The site has to be bilingual – the teams must work together to ensure that the text in each language is acceptable, accurate, the correct register, etc.
- Student from each school are naturally the experts for their area, but any introductory text is shared and any translation will require negotiation
- Similarly, the videos have to be subtitled.
There are opportunities to use the following or alternatives:
- Wikispaces
- Google Sites
- Google Discussion Groups
- Google Docs
- Glogger
- Slideshare
- Picassa
- Students work together in the two languages (Spanish and English), learning from each other about their culture, their use of their language, their personal interests and characters, etc
- The students discover the value of an exchange and are motivated into organising their own exchange.
- The students create a site which has the potential for growth – starting with two schools and information about two cities, but with the potential to involve many more locations and students.
- The audience is truly global – but the site is set up from the beginning with this in mind – the issue of personal information will have been addressed from the start.
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